11 Feb The first UNESCO Chair dedicated to Health: the Campus as a partner
In the wonderful setting of the Partenope Congress Center of the Federico II University of Naples on 10 September 2019,there was the ceremony for the establishment of the UNESCO Chair “Education for health and sustainable development”, the first in Europe dedicated to the promotion of the state of population health by acting on cultural, nutritional and environmental factors. The chair holder is the National President of our association, Prof. Annamaria Colao, who, together with her staff composed of professors and professionals in the medical, engineering and agri-food sectors, wants to promote the theme of prevention, healthy habits and environmental protection through the activation of courses, masters, research programs, conferences, epidemiological studies, free medical examinations. Health is an asset to be protected and the state of health is directly proportional to the level of education of the population, therefore among the planned interventions there will also be the organization of educational programs in schools focused on the prevention of childhood obesity, on the promotion of healthy nutrition and physical activity. Campus Salute Onlus is the official partner of the UNESCO Chair through the activities dedicated to prevention and free medical visits to citizens and will also be involved in various projects. Among the planned projects there is “Opera”, which will take place for the first time during the Campus 3S – Health Sport Solidarity stage in Naples from 11 to 13 October 2019. The objective is to provide a complete diagnostic and rehabilitative path to the obese patient: free medical examination, physical exercise test, taste and olfactory sensitivity test, psychological visit with projection of a progressively lost image of the subject to motivate him to lose weight.Among the planned projects there is “Opera”, which will take place for the first time during the Campus 3S – Health Sport Solidarity stage in Naples from 11 to 13 October 2019. The objective is to provide a complete diagnostic and rehabilitative path to the obese patient: free medical examination, physical exercise test, taste and olfactory sensitivity test, psychological visit with projection of a progressively lost image of the subject to motivate him to lose weight. Another project is “Women”, a festival dedicated to women’s health and well-being, which will take place in Naples from 1 to 6 June 2020. There will be free visits, but also information and training on the most common pathologies, with the result of improving conditions of the health of entire families, considering that women generally deal with the health of all the members of their family.
“Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing”,Arthur Schopenhauer.